Join the Course
Self-Leadership for Educators
A five week exploration for educators to experience and develop a professional literacy of self-leadership.
Tuesday, January 21- Tuesday, February 18 2025
Whole Person Learning For Whole System Impact
An Invitation
Self-leadership for Educators is a five week inquiry to develop a professional literacy of self-navigation as you lift the hood on your inner drivers, explore your operating system and grow your capacity to lead yourself, as you lead others - with purpose, integrity, clarity and compassion.
Who is this course for?
The course is designed for those seeking to contribute fully in a time of challenge and change, while thriving personally and professionally. Participants will be those ready to engage in personal reflection, self-assessment, new learning, group discussions, and coaching as they move towards new levels of personal agency and goal attainment.
Join the Introductory Webinar
Tuesday, November 26 at 5:00 PM Arabian Standard Time (AST)
It offers a guided exploration of your inner operating system including:
Personal professional identity/values beliefs
Signature strengths
Beliefs and patterns
Intentions and goals
It offers a suite of resources, principles and practices to manage and leverage:
Intentions and aligned actions
Emotional literacy and self-regulation
Beliefs and response patterns
Compassionate practice and positive relationships
Resilience and recovery
It supports you in crafting your path to achieving greater levels of:
Personal and professional efficacy and empowerment
Sustained balance and wellbeing
Professional impact and personal thriving
Who are you? Explore your inner operating system. What are the values and beliefs that drive you? What strengths and qualities do you possess? What changes do you seek?
About what, do you care? Develop intentions, goals and congruent behaviors in pursuit of you goals.
Habits and Practices
How much do you dare? Expand your personal professional efficacy and empowerment through mindsets, principles and practices that support agency, self-regulation, resilience,
The Self-Leadership Experience
The Curriculum Is Informed by Positive Psychology and includes evidence based practices and tools.
The Process
Zoom based webinars
Self Assessments
Group processing
Intention and goal setting
Motivation and goal attainment
The Self-Leadership Curriculum
This journey will help you move closer to your personal goals with authenticity, agency, and efficacy. The approach is positive, focusing on what's possible rather than what's wrong. On strengths rather than weaknesses.
You will consider what is important in your life and all the personal qualities you possess that will allow you to reach your personal and professional goals and deal with challenges that may arise on your journey.
Participants will have:
A theoretical background and context for each of the elements of this inquiry
Evidence based tools, principles and practices
Meaningful goals aligned with actionable steps and tools
Resources to support application and transfer
Week 1: Your Leadership Self
Identity and authenticity
Purpose and mission
Values and beliefs that guide and energize
Points of satisfaction and areas for attention
Week 2: Charting a Course
Intention Setting
Leveraging innate strengths and personal qualities you bring to your work and your life
Life domains and intention setting
Crafting meaningful goals
Navigating the change cycle
Week 3: Behavioral Change
Core Literacies of Self-regulation
Physical literacy
Conscious thought patterns
Emotional literacy and agility
Aligned action
Week 4: Obstacles and Coping
Navigating Self and System
Self - Community - System
Autonomy and holonomy
Resilience and recovery
Agency and efficacy
Week 5: Sustaining Self-Leadership
Intentions and Future Focus
High-vibe leadership and personal efficacy
Leading the interior life of self and others
We are not born with an instruction booklet, but if we were, I am sure the first chapter would explain the art of self-leadership.
— Mike Neuhaus PhD